Friday, March 11, 2011

Hello Dear Blogging Friends - Some exciting news & Please say a prayer

Good morning Dear Blogging Friends !
I am back I had to take a break from blogging due to so many things going on !
I hope this finds all of you well !
First PLEASE join me in PRAYER for all the people in Japan due to the terrible earthquake and the tsunami that has hit there and for my uncle that lives on Maui and all the others who live in Hawaii that may get hit by a tsunami! We talked with my uncle at 5:30 our time and he is on high ground ! So very scary !
I will be doing a post this weekend about some exciting news and my first GIVE AWAY !
Have a good day !


  1. The tsunami situation is so sad. I hope your uncle is ok and his area is not touched by this natural disaster.

    Can't wait to hear your news!!

    Happy weekend!



  2. It is so sad, our prayers are with them all.~Blessings Kim
